CHAKKRA COAL INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED operating in and around India from its Head Quarter located at Madurai. The management has more than fifteen years of experience in importing coal. Our business strategy is to provide high quality imported steaming coal with best price and long standing business relationship with clients.
We concentrate on Indonesian and South African based Coal. On request basis we do sale Indian Coal and NLC Lignite etc… currently we are having operation at Tuticorin, Chennai, Karaikal, Mangalore, Krishnapatnam and Visakhapatnam.
We satisfy our clients fuel needs through out the year by part Shipment Basis, High Seas Sale Basis and Stock and Sale Basis. Inspite of the price competitiveness, Timely delivery we have earned good recognition in the coal industry for the past one decade. We continuously strive to keep up our Goodwill.
The steam coal offered by us has been stringently checked and tested by various quality parameters such as purity and composition by our skilled team of quality control managers. To ensure optimum quality products are offered to the clients.